Sunday 5 April 2009

HKIFF#2 - Che

Another revolution in a week after “Burma VJ”

Both the topic and director attracted me to watch this 270 minutes duration movie. This is the very first time for me to watch such a long film.

Renounced director Steven Soderbergh telling the story of the Marxist idealist Ernesto "Che" Guevara. The film was split into 2 feature films. The first part of the movie narrates from this controversial figure in an interview and mixed with events in his life. Start as an ordinary pleasant, join Fidel Castro and start a revolution in Cuba and over thrown the corrupt dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista. Met the love of his life and complete with the first part of the story. All this composed into powerful and full of surprise story telling. Lots of details and events and make it into an interesting movie, but it is somehow hard to follow in my opinion.

The second part of the movie started with Che Guevara went to Bolivia after he was married. He joined the guerilla and fight with the locals. His acceptance of the locals is not so good although he fight along side with them in great passion. Later he was captured and executed……The second part of the movie is relatively straight forwards. The beginning of the second part is mostly characters dialogue, the later part is the twist of the plot.
Che official website

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