Thursday 12 March 2009

Hong Kong ArtWalk 2009

I went to the Hong Kong ArtWalk the other day held at Hollywood road Soho area.
The event was held in an open area within the Soho, lots of attendee traffic with open discussions. In my opinion, it is a very good setting for event of this kind, ideas flow with the people’s discussion. In contrary, the proposed purpose built WKCD with lots of polish and refinement may not have the same effect. So I beg the question, why we want to spend so much tax money and built something less effective?

Chen Jiagang
solo exhibition @ Contemporary by Angela Li

Chen jiagang, an artist as complex as his work, is a former architect, businessman and curator. Taking China’s rural industrial landscape as his subject matter in this widely received exhibition the title of his series ‘Third Front’ refers to the Chinese government’s series of initiatives in the 1960s to construct a new frontier of industrialism in the South-western provinces. Just as quickly as they were erected, a couple of decades later these frontiers all but disappeared. What remains of these frontiers in the wake of a rapidly modernizing China are only forgotten ghost towns with Chen’s haunting photographs bearing witness to the ‘footprint’ left behind by revolutionary ideas of social idealism.

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