Sunday 29 March 2009

Writing In Water 水中之書

Hong Kong Repertory Theatre
Writing In Water 水中之書

Before I went to Stan Lai’s latest theatre production ‘Writing in water’, I was simply thought the meaning of this play is about a script or writing in water. After the show, I finally realize writing in water is a conceptual scene, a Buddhism concept to open audiencesers mind.

The ‘writing’ in ‘writing in water, is not a noun, but and a verb. The meaning of writing in water is like the name suggested, write over water.

Often time we use the metaphor life is like a piece of paper, we are hoping to imprint all accomplishments and events, fill them in the paper and treat it as a report card of our life. But sometimes I don’t feel like life is a piece of paper, life is more like write on water surface: doesn’t matter how you write, what you wrote, when you pen reach the water surface, the ink of the pen will dissolve, no trace will be found. So, a lot of things, such as career, love, wealth, even youth, we should not take it too serious: Because at the end of the day, none of these things are really under our control.

Shall we give up ‘write’ on this thin surface of water? The answer is No. Ink dissolved in water, and it can also turn in to a wonderful scene. We shall write whatever we feel like, just because there is no right or wrong. It is about the process, we shall enjoy the process of the writing and the endless possibility and outcome.

What I really like to see, is at the end of the day, the water turn back to the peace and calm flat surface. I think, maybe this is what the true happiness is.

This play has the best play writer around in Chinese modern theatre. This play started with a light comedy for the views and slowly pick up the paste and lead to an anticipating ending. The core thinking of this play is the modern people pursuit of happiness. It left lots of room for audiences’ imagination and in my opinion is a very good arrangement.

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